That's right, attacked!
It was super windy outside yesterday (and today) and Mama and me were outside doing a potty break. Apparently there was a cat about, but I didn't see it. Mama saw it, but he went away and she didn't see where it went to.
So there I was, innocently poking around a bush, and I went to claim it as mine......and then WHACK! This cat exploded from the bushes and attacked my undercarriage! No worries, nothing's hurt but my pride, but gee whiz I wish I didn't have that stupid leash on. That cat would have paid!
Then later on that night on another potty walk, I saw what looked like a white bunny hopping around the grass. Of course I went to immediate "I'm gonna kill you" mode. Bunny hopped away out of my sight, so I went back to what I was doing. Out of sight, out of mind ya know. Anywoo......I was in full on squat doing my business when it came back! I was doing the potty shuffle chasing after that bunny....and I couldn't figure out what was making my Mama laugh like she was going to fall down. I didn't catch the bunny. Later on I heard Mama tell Daddy that I was chasing a plastic bag. Hmph! In my defense, it was white....it moved....and it very well could have been a bunny.
Speaking of Daddy, he's gone right now. He had to go some place called "New York" again for work. He's gonna be gone until Friday. He did this a few weeks ago too. I don't like it when he goes away, but at least I got my Mama. I like her better anyways!
Mama says if it ever stops raining that I can go to the dog park. I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I wonder if it was one of those C(un)IA operatives!!! Well, lucky for you that he didn't hurt you, and lucky for him your human didn't let you chase him!
Bummer about the white bag not being a bunny. I hate it when that happens!
I think the human mom was mistaken... I really think the second time, it was really the same bunny in disguise!!!
Hugs, Sitka
Sitka, I bet you're right! Mama is often wrong, Daddy says it's cuz she's "blonde" or whatever that means.
Hey Poseidon,
Nice to meet you! Mum and Dad and I started reading your blog and I can totally relate to being stuck in the potty shuffle and something interesting (like birdies) taking advantage of your inability to move... Anyhowl, *sniffs your butt*, we will catch up with more of your adventures soon.
Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).
I think Holly is right it was part of the C(un)ia. Harrrrrr they are back with a vengence.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Hey Poseidon, I always do the potty shuffle too. Personally I like to leave #2 in as many places as possible ;) BTW, I love your coloring!! (I'm impartial to white!!)
Oh, poor Poseidon! That stupid leash! That's why Meeshka says we must fight the Leash of Oppression!
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