Bbbbbad! Oh yeah, that's me! Now that mama's recovered mostly from her tooth surgeon visit, I can get back on track to being a true husky!
Last night on my potty walk I was being sooo good, everytime mama stopped I turned and looked at her and sat so very gracefully without even being asked. Little did mama know that I was just biding my time for the right moment. I'd already sniffed her pockets, so I knew there weren't any of those tasty liver treats in any of them. I just had to wait for the right time.
Well, I was sniffin around a bush at the entrance to one of the buildings, and what appeared? A tiny brown terrier thing and his human! The tiny brown terrier thing was on a looooong leash, one of those flexi things that mama refuses to use because if I were to suddenly take off after a bird or something mama doesn't think she could keep hold of the silly plastic handle. Anyways, I saw the terrier thing and the terrier thing saw me and we both ran straight for each other! I think the terrier thing's human almost got pulled down the stairs, it took a long time for the human to get out the entrance. Mama had quite a struggle to get me close to her, cuz I was bouncing and jumping and pulling and wooing for all I was worth! I even ended up bouncing into mama and almost knocking her down!
Needless to say, mama was NOT pleased with me at this point. She managed to get hold of my collar and pull me away a few feet, and then she growled at me to "sit your furry little butt down right now!" She sounded serious, so I gave a few more woos and then sat down. Now, I know how long I've got to sit before mama gets annoyed, approximately 6 seconds between the "sit" and when I finally plop my butt on the ground. So I carefully counted to 6 and then very gracefully sat (while staring at the little brown terrier thing) and I wooed very quietly just to show mama that she's not the boss of me. I figured that since she supplies the food and walkies, that I should probably not push my luck toooooo much.
Speaking of food, I recently got put on some new food. I used to eat Canidae, and now mama's been feeding me Nutro Ultra. It's good stuff, but to be honest I'll eat anything. I'd probably even eat "crap in a bag" like Pedigree or Science Diet. I've got a cast iron stomach, nothing bothers me! But mama says I only get to eat "human grade food." I'm not sure what that means, cuz mama never gives me any of her food. I mean come on, I ate a sweatshirt a few weeks ago!
Ooooooh I hear my leash jingling, must be time for my morning walk! Woo at ya later!
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Wooo there Poseidon. I love your pictures. We do look a lot alike. Maybe I can get Mom to link your blog to ours. I'll be 7 next week and then Mom is signing me up for obedience classes. She says she thinks I am grown up enough now.
We eat Nutro Natural Choice, have since we were babies, love it! Our vet tells our human that the natural food will make us poo more, SO WHAT! He acts like he's the one who has to clean it up, geesh. Of course, he pushes "Science Diet", our lady says NO to that stuff, something about corn meal. We don't care, just bring on the extra treats, like apples & oranges, yummmmmm!
Face Licks, M&M
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